March 3, 2009

indigo dye pot

It is not easy......

in some reasons, images did not show, so I will try again.

cut out stencil paper

These images are my inspiration.  I took pictures at Mount Koya, Japan.  Shoji screen is repaired by lovely way.  Hole became a nice decoration.  My grandmother used to do it whenever her grand daughters poke fingers through shoji paper.  
Another photo is taken at a old Bhuddest temple at Mt. Koya.  Because of use of fire, a kitchen was considered "holly place where gods exhisted, and family members prayed the end of year to thank and celebrated a new year putting a cut out stencil paper.  Do you see it?  

thank you!

I haven't discovered how to communicate yet when friends send me comments.  Also, please forgive me many English mistakes in my writing.  I will try to study harder.  I appreciate all of your warmth and patient.

March 1, 2009

Indigo is a life long work.  When I see the old fabric, "CHAYATSUJI" made in the early 17th century, it make me feel I am very happy to know how skilled artisan exsisted.  I don't think I can remake (no way!) it, even I don't want to.  I want to keep it in my mind as a guide, and make my own work now I live.  It will be a big challenge, but I love doing it.